We are almost a month into summer. I will admit I was a bit anxious anticipating how to occupy my kids for the next few months. It has been a little bit of the nagging train keeping them off of their electronics all day; but it’s also been quite delightful as they have kept themselves busy with productive activities.
Backstory necessitates a confession, I eat my ice cream out of the container. I don’t normally intend to share it but I am willing, if someone is willing to share my germs. :)
A few days ago my 10-year-old miles and I shared some time together. I called him into the kitchen, grabbed two spoons and the ice cream and offered to share with him. Making small talk with him I asked him what his favorite part of summer so far? He replied, “this moment right here.”
I spend quite a bit of time organizing things for my family to do. I like to be active and enjoy being out and about. And then the simplicity of the fact that slowing down for some quality time with my son over shared ice cream is all it takes to create special memories.