Wednesday, March 14, 2018

My Salvation is Secure

"In this life you will have troubles, take heart, I have overcome the world." John 16:33

Read this from a heart of prayer:

Oh Jesus, my faithful, loving friend. You carried my cross for me. Thank you for bearing my burdens before our Father in Heaven. I am not sure how I could ever thank you. You are the truest, purest, altruistic donor of Salvation there ever has been and there ever will be. Your sinless walk on this Earth, was full of trials and temptation. You faithfully leaned in on Our Father through every step. You came face to face time after time with abuse, criticism, mocking and rejection. You stayed pure. A light of Hope. A light of Salvation. A light of Purpose. You never wavered. Though I could never come close to your Perfect Love, I strive every day to walk in a manner worthy of my calling. You modeled that for me. Your continual grace, not condemnation, allows me to bring my sin straight to God, to confess. I feel Forgiveness wash over me. You are an eternal gift. "My salvation is secure." Not one thing I do in this life, can pull me away from You. My own inward thoughts are my worst enemy. You protect me and chase away any darkness that tries to befall my family. I no longer trust in my own ways. My ways are wavering and weak at best. I know now that I'm not meant to survive this life alone. I will never walk alone again. It's YOU I turn to time and time again, because you carry me to Our Father time and time again. Any trial I walk through out this life, I know it's temporary. I know You are preparing the way for me and I just need to walk in faith. What a freeing blessing that is. I no longer have to worry about anything, because you are in everything. The worries I have about my marriage, I can bring them to you and place them at your feet. The worries I have for my kids, I know I can bring them to you and place them at your feet. The worries I have about my never ending household needs, I can bring them to you and place them at your feet. The worries I have about how dark this world has become, I can place that at your feet. My emotional weights are one by one being handed over to you and my inner light is shining brighter and brighter. "My Salvation is Secure." I proclaim I am Your Disciple. Use me Lord, I will listen, Use me to make Disciples for your Kingdom. Let me start within my own home Lord. The most intimate relationships I have are often the hardest. Simply because those dusty walls built inside my heart are creating barriers to your  perfect love. Break those walls down, Jesus. I know the other side of that vulnerability is freedom! I've seen your work along the way, unimaginable blessings! You continually amaze me. My hard heart is softening and it's free to produce nothing but love, grace and mercy to those around me. "My Salvation is Secure!" Through the Blood of Jesus, You washed away my sin! Amazing Grace. I am no longer in chains. I am free! Free to Love. Free to Worship. Free to give grace. Free to live in Fullness. Free to have Joy. Free to have peace. Free to have a sound mind. Free to love others without walls. Abundant Praise to our Glorious Father in Heaven! Amen.

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