Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Feeling like Groundhog Day?

As a stay at home mom, I often feel like I am doing the same things every day. I will be honest and say, yes, it feels mundane at times, and yes, I get kind of tired of the same same same.

We are a few weeks into staying home. This life for many looks very different than it did before. I can't help but think, perhaps some of you may be feeling the same way. We've come face to face with the mundane.

When I write from the heart, I would like to make it clear, I am not complaining. My underlying feel is this is the life I have always dreamed of. Being a mom was the one thing I have wanted to be since as long as I can remember. I am blessed beyond measure to have three children and I marvel at them almost every day.

What no one tells you about is the incessant "needs" that arise leading a family. It can leave you feeling ill equipped for the job. What do we do with that feeling?

This is when gaining your footing; AKA perspective comes in.

I often am struck with the weight of my day when I am tackling laundry. Everything can be going well, until I face the laundry! There are many things that seem never ending. For me, it's laundry. What's your insurmountable task?

 It's interesting, when you are facing something mindless that must get done almost everyday, you get time to think.

I think when I go for long walks as well, but that's something I enjoy!

What's even more interesting is the content of my thoughts when I am doing something I enjoy (like walking) vs. something I don't enjoy (like laundry). Both are essential but one brings joy and one takes much more self discipline to complete.

When I'm walking, I find gratitude comes incredibly easy. I am taking in the sights and enjoying the movement of my body and the time I get to just ponder.

When I'm doing laundry, I'm still spending time doing something, but my thoughts (when I'm not putting any effort into them) tend to be more negative. Less grateful, more bitter.

I call this perspective. Knowing this about myself, helps me in the long run. You see, I don't settle for negative thoughts ruling my mind, I have learned to allow them to pass through and then set them straight on truth.

Dark days tend to take more effort to set those thoughts straight, but ultimately, the choice comes in when you have to decide if you are going to sit in the negative or seek the positive.

I want to encourage you to pay attention to your thoughts. We have a lot of them each day! Let's make them quality thoughts.

Philippians 4:8 "Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."

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