Friday, June 28, 2019

The need to write

As a published author, my mind is always writing. I have many snippets that I've jotted down, with no intentions of publishing them, but where do I put them? Perhaps here?

I haven't been consistent with the blogging world, I have an old blog that I will be visiting and reading, to piece together the past that was erased from anxiety. What's emerging? A new creation. It began a few years ago, as a culmination of discovering a faith in God that is personal. A testimony of God's faithfulness, patience and abundant grace.

I have a quiet urging deep inside to begin (or continue if we look at the facts?) blogging. I am an open book, but for some reason, the blog, well, that's more like a public journal. It stems from the feelings of failure when I look at the "breaks" between my posts and continues with self doubt; who wants to read my thoughts? What makes them worthy of anyone's time?

I speak to people often, people I connect to on that soul level, we all have the same conclusions.
"Know God; read His book"

That's the secret to wisdom. So as an author, how do I top that? What's already written? Why does God call me to write, when the prophesies and promises of his faithfulness are already in one place?

I'll tell you why. It's not for glory or fame, it's to continue witnessing what God, who is still VERY present is doing in the lives of every day people. That's my job. It's a big job in my life, but a microscopic job for our great Father in Heaven. He's Almighty, He can accomplish anything and He can turn the heart of anyone at any time. He waits for us to be ready to see what He is willing to teach us.

I think of Saul. A history of Killing Christians; only to meet God Himself and have a heart change. Meet Paul. Paul the Apostle.

A quote from the Life Application Study Bible:
"God did not waste any part of Paul- his background, his training, his citizenship, his mind, or even his weaknesses. Are you willing to let God do the same for you? You will never know all He can do with you until you allow him to have all you are!"