Friday, February 17, 2023

Are you Parenting Confidently?

 I'm going to share some wisdom and encouragement, I've learned over the last few months.

If you find yourself feeling like you are failing as a parent, it may be an invitation to look deeper into your own "stuff" ❤️

I've found when I struggle as a mom, trying to navigate challenges the right way, I feel as though my confidence gets shaken. Have you ever tried to lead without confidence? It certainly brings forth a new level of challenges.

I'd venture to say you are actually not failing as a parent, though parenting isn't for the faint of heart, there is a real necessity to learn how to lead well, and the hardest part, doing it with gentleness and love. 

We can sometimes take our kids behaviors as a direct assault against us, though this happens frequently, it's not productive to take your children's behaviors personally. 

We can remember they are children (yes, even the big ones who aren't quite adults yet, we call them adolescents, Lord help me, those years are unique, but not all bad 😉) 

Kids/adolescents/teens NEED our stability to anchor their instability. 

Yes, it's a hard generation to live right now, and I truly believe it is downright impossible to do it without guidance from God. His Word IS an instruction manual to everything that life throws at you! (If you haven't already, I'd suggest you start reading the book of Proverbs.)

There's no easy button, we have been lied to, struggles are expected and we can let them take us down to a pit of paralyzing despair (I've been there) or we can take it as an opportunity to take one baby step forward and gain momentum while God holds our hand.

This generation is going somewhere, I see God's hand in this and I encourage you to seek and learn His ways. They are 100% the right choice every time. 


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